The registration date for this event is past due.

Rack Madness

General Event

 Event Dates

Wed, 05 March 2025 1:00 PM - Wed, 05 March 2025 6:00 PM

 Registration Dates

Fri, 18 October 2024 12:00 PM - Wed, 05 March 2025 5:30 PM


ODWC Headquarters
1801 N Lincoln Blvd


 Heather Del Moral
 (405) 521-3856


Scoring will be first-come, first-served, with a two-item limit per participant. Eligible items include white-tailed and mule deer antlers (must be attached to the skull plate), elk antlers, antelope horns, and bear skulls, all harvested in Oklahoma.

Participants who register and bring in an item to be scored will be put into a drawing for a lifetime combination hunting and fishing license, donated by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation. Only those who bring an item to be scored are eligible for this prize.

The Oklahoma State Game Warden Association will award another lifetime license to one person who harvested a doe during the 2024-2025 season. To enter, visit the Game Thief Trailer and check in with the Game Wardens in the front of the building.

Lifetime drawing winners must be eligible to hold a lifetime license but can transfer it to an eligible recipient. Drawings will be held at 5:45 p.m., and participants do not need to be present to win. However, check-ins after 5:30 p.m. are ineligible.

Hourly prize drawings will also take place during the event, including four annual licenses from Oklahoma Hunters and Anglers and items from the Go Outdoors Oklahoma shop. Winners of these prizes must be present.

 Participants :  1 - 300
Participant Count : 261
Event ID: 109872